Springboard Programme: Hospitality Futures
Region: South East
Year: 2018
Sun’s life was lacking something.
After spending over 20 years of her life doing work she loved, she suddenly found herself unemployed, desperately missing the structure and satisfaction that comes with full-time work. Unfortunately, this bout of unemployment lasted 15 months – something which took a major toll on her self-confidence. Sun knew her life was lacking direction, but didn’t know how to get it back on track.
It was during an afternoon of job searching online, that she stumbled upon the Springboard Charity. She contacted the charity to discuss her situation, and after learning more about the Hospitality Futures programme, felt that it would not only help her get back into the working world, but also boost the confidence that had plummeted since her unemployment. She was swiftly accepted onto the programme, where she was taught the key skills she would need to thrive in hospitality – significantly boosting her confidence.
Now Sun is working as a Breakfast Host at the Ibis Style, Gloucester Road – a position which she feels truly compliments her personality, and one that allows her to put her talents to good use. One of her greatest passions in life is languages – able to speak English, Cantonese, Mandarin, French and Spanish – a talent which is useful in such a multilingual environment, with guests from across the globe staying at the hotel.
The hotel also runs a fast-track management scheme, which Sun aspires to earn a place on, and work her way up through the hotel. Her success might not have been possible without the help of The Springboard Charity, and equipped with her newfound skills and confidence, Sun Fung is excited for a long and prosperous career in hospitality.