Springboard Programme: Hospitality Futures
Region: London
Year: 2017
According to Joe, he would probably be in prison, homeless or dead without the help of The Springboard Charity.
Growing up in a single family of four, life for young Joe was hard – with him and his siblings sometimes going without gas, electricity and even food. Things got worse as he grew up, falling in with a bad crowd, which made life even more difficult. He was unable to hold down a job for more than six months, frequently used drugs, and eventually ended up homeless – in and out of hostels filled with ex-offenders, and sometimes sleeping on the back of buses until morning. Joe knew he needed help, but felt lost, and had no idea where to turn.
That’s when Joe found The Springboard Charity, referred by a youth worker. Joe didn’t feel judged by Springboard, and through the Hospitality Futures programme, was able to learn new skills, build his confidence and prove to himself how much he could achieve. His life improved dramatically with each step, and with Springboard’s support, landed work experience at the Rubens at the Palace, Victoria, where he stayed for 11 months – something he may not have achieved with the help of The Springboard Charity.
Since getting involved with The Springboard Charity, Joe is a different person. He now works as a barman/waiter at Hilton London Bridge, and his skills and confidence have skyrocketed. Not only is he flourishing in his professional life, but even speaks at Springboard’s various events – helping others who have been through similar struggles.
Joe is now eagerly awaiting his future, striving to open up his own café-patisserie with his fiancée (who happens to be a pastry chef), and to continue assisting The Springboard Charity in helping others like himself to improve their lives. From a time which could have ended in tragedy, Joe is now on track for a bright and exciting future.