Springboard Programme: Bartending Hospitality Course
Region: North West
Year: 2021
I joined the Diageo Hospitality Sprint to change my career path from a struggling retail background to a more productive customer facing role. During my time on the programme, I have reaffirmed my ability to communicate and work effectively within a team. I have also gained an understanding of the scale of the Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism sector, but it has been tempered by the relative ease at which I can gain a foothold with the transferrable skills I have discovered I possess. This new perspective of the industry, coupled with my developing communication and conflict resolution skills, has empowered me to approach employment within a hospitality environment with excitement, instead of the fear I used to feel when touching upon the subject. It helps that I enjoyed myself on the course, being able to interact with others in a semi-professional manner and receive feedback from everyone involved to further my own development, truly brings a smile to my face and is what allows me to spread that experience to those I meet. This reinforced confidence and more positive outlook the course has fostered has served me well in securing employment at the time of writing and will continue to help in growing a new career within the Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism Sectors.
If you are thinking of joining a Springboard course, or any Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism programme, I would like to say that the only thing stopping you is you. Just dive in and find out that the dream you see is closer than you think to becoming reality, and these programmes could be just the nudge you need to take the final step and feel better for it. I hope to see you in the future, and if we never meet remember it never hurts to get help.