Springboard Programme: Diageo Learning For Life
Region: Northern Ireland
Year: 2023
“I came across Springboard on Facebook. I entered my details on Careerscope as I was interested to see what sort of jobs would be available.
After a lovely meeting and a great conversation about the Diageo Learning For Life course and what it entailed, I was very keen to take part in it. It has given me a great insight into the types of jobs that are available, the skills you need in order to do them and from our onsite visits, how happy everyone seems to be in their roles. I decided to do the course to explore a different career path. I have learned how beneficial this course is to providing people with valuable skills they need to find employment in this industry. It has helped improve my skills and confidence and has reminded me of my self-worth. I have enjoyed everything about the course from the training workshops, the practical sessions to the onsite visits. I feel it has provided me with valuable life skills, knowledge and qualifications to enable me to get a job in the industry.
I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in improving their knowledge and skills of the industry. There is so much to learn and all very valuable life skills for the future.
This is one of the best courses I have ever attended, and I feel very lucky to have been part of this wonderful experience. I am very excited to have been selected for an interview at my local tourist information centre.”