If you live in the following regions: Edinburgh, West Lothian, North Ayrshire, South Ayrshire and Dumfries & Galloway, aged 18+ and unemployed. We can offer a wealth of support with our 121 mentored training.
This intervention offers 1:1 individualised support for participants nearest the labour market. It is designed to be flexible to suit client need, which is ascertained at an initial 121 call.
The programme offers:
- Inspirational online vocational and interpersonal skills training
- The opportunity to gain skills & knowledge of their specific desired job role
- Tailored CVs to the hospitality, leisure & tourism industry
- Preparing covering letters and individual support
- Researching and targeting appropriate employers
- Visits to industry venues when guidelines allow
- Interview practice
- Support to attend interviews
- Job search support and self-marketing advice
- Work experience will be considered when guidelines allow